Investor Relations

CJ Logistics is one of the world’s Top 5 logistics companies

Stock information


Unit. Stock, %

This is the Status of issued stocks table consisting with Classification, Type of stock, Remarks etc..
Classification Type of stock Remarks
Common Preferred Total
Ⅰ. No. of stocks to issue 100,000,000 0 100,000,000 -
Ⅱ. No. of stocks issued up to present 69,051,970 0 69,051,970 -
Ⅲ. No. of stocks decreased up to present 1. Total 46,239,626 0 46,239,626 -
2. Decrease in capital 46,239,626 0 46,239,626 Company liquidation plan, Decrease by capital decrease with consideration
3. Profit redemption - 0 - -
4. Redemption of redeemable stocks - 0 - -
5. Others - 0 - -
Ⅳ. No. of issued stocks (Ⅱ-Ⅲ) 22,812,344 0 22,812,344 -
Ⅴ. No. of reacquired stocks 2,867,507 0 2,867,507 -
Ⅵ. No. of outstanding stocks (Ⅳ-Ⅴ) 19,944,837 0 19,944,837 -

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