World’s most admired company, CJ Logistics is actively involved in global standard CRS and CSV activities.


Human Rights Management System

‘Human rights management’ is rooted down in CJ Logistics with the objective to prevent infringement of human rights of all members and stakeholders of the Company that may arise from business management and make the culture of respecting human rights an integral part of the Company. By doing so, the Company can preempt risks of human rights infringement of members and stakeholders. The Company’s decision-making structure based on human rights is demonstrated by a case of human rights infringement, which is subject to review by the Board of Directors as per risk management system. At the same time, the Company launches crisis response task force to come up with an immediate relief measure for implementation.

Human rights declaration

CJ Logistics strives to protect human rights of not only the Company’s executives and employees but also those of suppliers based on Declaration of Human Rights. Equal efforts go into making sure there is no infringement of human rights. At the same time, we demand pledge on code of conduct, which reflects human rights protection, to all suppliers when they enter into a contract with the Company or renew it.


CJ Logistics is a leading global comprehensive logistics company with a mission to be the strategic partner designing and implementing the best SCM solutions for customers to succeed together. Our vision is to become an SCM solution company leading the national logistics network and global logistics market with World-Class technology.

CJ Logistics operates on the core principles of Integrity, Passion, Creativity and Respect. CJ Logistics firmly believes that respecting the human rights of employees and various stakeholders, such as clients, partners, and local communities, who may be at risk of human rights violations, is the first step in realizing these principles across all business activities.

CJ Logistics has announced its commitment to global human rights standards by joining the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and signing the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs).

In addition, CJ Logistics upholds international norms of human rights such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and ILO Core Conventions. Furthermore, we are committed to complying with human rights, labor, and environmental laws and guidelines in each country or region where we are conduct our business operations.

To this end, CJ Logistics declares and pledges to implement “human rights management that guarantees human dignity and values” as the standard of conduct and value judgment that all CJ Logistics executives and employees must adhere to.

  • CJ Logistics shall prioritize human rights based on the principle of respect in business management and proactively work towards preventing human rights violations. In the event of such violations, we shall actively respond by establishing a remedy system that encourages stakeholder involvement.
  • CJ Logistics is committed to a zero-tolerance stance against discrimination in all of its forms, including disability, gender, religion, nationality, origin, race, educational achievement, age, and status of employment. Additionally, we shall strive to create a culture that embraces and respects individual differences.
  • CJ Logistics shall guarantee equal opportunities and support in employment, promotion, education, welfare, and wages.
  • CJ Logistics shall treat all individuals humanely in every working environment, ensuring fair wages, welfare benefits, maternity protection, and work-life balance. We strictly prohibit acts such as workplace harassment, forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking in any form.
  • CJ Logistics shall guarantee the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, as provided by local laws. We aim to foster a win-win labor-management culture where legitimate union activities do not result in disadvantages for either party.
  • CJ Logistics is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the safety and health of all employees and stakeholders. In the event of occupational accidents or illnesses, we shall provide appropriate compensation and implement follow-up management support measures.
  • CJ Logistics shall comply with domestic and foreign environmental laws and strive to create an eco-friendly logistics system as part of our efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.
  • CJ Logistics shall respect the privacy of all stakeholders and strictly manage personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
  • CJ Logistics shall require all suppliers to practice human rights management and actively support efforts to prevent any human rights violations for suppliers and their employees.
  • CJ Logistics shall strive to prevent any potential human rights violations within local communities throughout all our business activities. We shall actively cooperate with community members to promote and uphold human rights standards.
  • CJ Logistics is dedicated to providing the best logistics services to ensure the convenient and safe delivery of customers' valuable assets. We shall provide accurate and clear service information in a language that our customers can understand.

CJ Logistics strives to listen to opinions via various grievance channels including its website (integrated reporting system called CJ Whistle), groupware (called Tong-Tong-Tong), SNS reporting, phone counseling and online VOC, to prevent and resolve any human rights violations in all business activities.
CJ Logistics shall continue to actively support all stakeholders in implementing human rights management measures through the practice of the above declaration.

Jun, 2024
CEO of CJ Logistics

Stronger Human Rights Due Diligence Process

CJ Logistics built due diligence process aimed at protecting human rights of all executives and employees, suppliers and joint ventures into 150 indicators in 13 areas based on international guidelines. This serves as the basis for the Company to discern and prevent potentially adverse effects that may arise during operation in the Company and the supply chain. By proactively responding to issues discovered and identifying potential issues on an annual basis, we are improving human rights due diligence process.
In 2023, the Company performed human rights due diligence to 42 business sites and five suppliers. We also have in place a process aimed at addressing grievances related to human rights or their infringement identified from due diligence.

Human Rights Due Diligence Process Human Rights Due Diligence Process
Supply Chain Management

CJ Logistics selects and manages key suppliers with overall consideration into trading amount, relevance with key business, and replaceability of technologies, etc. The Company requires suppliers to comply with code of conduct when entering into contract with the Company based on which all executives, employees and suppliers shall comply with ethical standards in performing their duties. At the same time, the Company strives to build a responsible supply chain with supply chain assessment process to ensure fair and sustainable activities.

Suppliers’ Compliance with Fair Trade and Improvement Activities

Our logistics division has established the ‘Fair Trade Win-Win Agreement Operation Regulations’ to establish a fair trade relationship between employees and partners and make efforts to enhance the importance of mutual cooperation. In addition, we thoroughly comply with the ‘Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act’, ‘Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act and ‘Three Guidelines for the Fair Trade Co-prosperity Agreement’. The construction sector is strengthening fair trade order by selecting new partners via open competition on a regular basis through its own and credit rating agency websites once a year and conducting screenings according to the ‘comprehensive partner evaluation checklist’.
In addition, by complying with the ‘Construction Industry Framework Act’ and the ‘Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act’, we are promoting quality assurance and smooth construction based on a fair and transparent trade relationship.

Partner Sustainability Evaluation Process
Partner Sustainability Evaluation Process : 1. Self-assessment by partner - 2. Selection of Review and On-site evaluation targets - 3. On-site Evaluation - 4. Notification of evaluation results and consulting - 5. Follow-up actions and monitoring Partner Sustainability Evaluation Process : 1. Self-assessment by partner - 2. Selection of Review and On-site evaluation targets - 3. On-site Evaluation - 4. Notification of evaluation results and consulting - 5. Follow-up actions and monitoring
Sustainability Metrics
  • Ethics (9): Honesty and anti-corruption, disclosure, intellectual property protection, privacy, fair trade, confidentiality.
  • Human rights (16): Voluntary labor, working hours, child and minor protection, wages and benefits, humane treatment, non-discrimination.
  • Safety (19): Occupational safety, emergency and accident preparedness, industrial accidents and occupational diseases, workplace safety, equipment safety, safety and health education.
  • Environment (11): Compliance and permit/license management, pollution prevention/resource saving, hazardous substances, waste and wastewater, air pollution, content regulation and labeling, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Partner Sustainability Evaluation and Compensation Provision

CJ Logistics engages in evaluation and improvement of sustainability. Such activities include evaluating labor, environment, safety and business ethics of suppliers across their business sites in terms of sustainability, management and finance, and sharing the results to suppliers for their feedback as well as reflecting them in policy execution. Construction Division performs regular evaluation to suppliers who have had trade relations with the Company for a certain period twice a year and comes up with detailed results by constantly updating construction evaluation process. In doing so, the Company strives to take improvement activities into action. Outstanding suppliers are then offered such incentives as reward, more bid opportunities and discount in performance guarantee insurance while poor-performing ones are asked to take actions for improvement. In the event of repeated violations, they are reflected in regular assessment as one way to encourage suppliers’ sustainable activities and supply chain.

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